Summer Outdoor Reading
Do you have a summer reading list? Are you anxious to find some new books that will satisfy your appetite for wilderness adventures? Here’s a roundup of reviews for books about life in the great outdoors.
Do you have a summer reading list? Are you anxious to find some new books that will satisfy your appetite for wilderness adventures? Here’s a roundup of reviews for books about life in the great outdoors.
Creating the atmosphere and energy you want in a room can present a challenge, whether you’re going for soft and relaxing, adventurous and outdoorsy or fun and spirited. One way to create a unique look is to mix patterns. It might go against instinct to combine patterns that are completely different from each other, but the result can be an interesting, inviting look in whatever theme you love.
So, this is interesting. Apparently, some gun owners are launching not a boycott against Starbucks, but the opposite—a “buycott.” Calling it “Starbucks Appreciation Day,” they’re encouraging people to shop Starbucks in support of their policy of allowing customers to carry firearms wherever open carry laws allow it. The buycott comes in response to a boycott by the National Gun Victims Action Council recently launched to encourage Starbucks to disallow weapons in their stores even where laws permit them, as some other retailers do.
When you think of fishing, you might recall vibrant sensory memories—the soothing lake sounds, the smell of the outdoors (not to mention the bait), the chill of the water. Or you might think of the sporting element in fishing, the contest of man versus nature, or simply the chance to do something outdoors. But some […]