Extend the Life of Your Outdoor Gear

A love for the outdoors is a big part of a cabin lifestyle. We all know that spending time outside can have a preserving effect on a person, simply expanding our sanity if not our actual, physical life span. With a little smart maintenance and care, you can also extend the life of the gear you use to enjoy the outdoors. Here are some basic tips, whether you’re into hiking, fishing or hunting.
- Hiking Boots. Are you an avid hiker when you spend time at the cabin? According to this site, you can keep your boots going for miles and miles by following a few simple steps: keep them clean, waterproof them (you can use something called NikWax if you’re looking for a petroleum-free option) and store them packed with newspapers to maintain their shape. Also, if you are sure to lace them up correctly when you put them on, you can help ensure they’ll have a long life.
- Fishing Equipment. You can make your fishing rod and reel last longer by doing common-sense things like treating them carefully when you handle them, cleaning them after every use and making sure they’re dry before you store them. You can also take the reel apart and grease it from time to time, and when fighting with a big fish, be sure not to jerk the rod at an angle of 90 degrees or greater—otherwise, you might snap it. Also, if you’re looking for some organizational help for your fishing gear, this Fishing Rod Rack safely stores fishing rods, with extra space to stash additional equipment.
- Hunting Gear. If you own a hunting rifle, it’s probably something you’re proud of and hold dear (deer?) to your heart, and you probably know a thing or two about maintaining it. But just as a refresher course, this post from Game & Fish has some basic, no-nonsense tips to help make your guns last a lifetime.
Making your outdoor equipment last is budget-smart and environmentally friendly, and knowing that your equipment is in good shape can save you a lot of headaches later. It might take a little extra time, but in the long run it eases your cabin-loving lifestyle.